Terms and Conditions
Contact Us1. Acceptance of Terms and Conditions
1.1 All Bookings are subject to the following Terms and Conditions.
1.2 By making an online booking for any service with The Atlantis Foundation Pty Ltd (Atlantis Wellness and Healing Centre), you hereby accept the Terms and Conditions as a binding contract between Atlantis Wellness and Healing and you.
2. Contact Details
2.1 You are required to provide your full name, phone number and email address at the time of Booking.
3. Bookings and Payment
3.1 Bookings may be made online at our website, over the phone or in person.
3.2 All Bookings require a non-refundable 100 per cent deposit to confirm your Booking (Deposit)
3.3 Payment of the Deposit must be made at the time of Booking.
3.4 The balance of your Booking fee must be paid in full on the day of your appointment, service, presentation or workshop.
3.5 Merchant fees are charged on all debit and credit card transactions, which may vary from time to time.
4. Cancellation or Rescheduling
4.1 Deposits are non-refundable.
4.2 Atlantis Wellness and Healing Centre has limited availability for appointments and services. At the time of making your booking for an appointment or service, an appropriate practitioner is assigned to your appointment and it may not be possible to fill this appointment in the event of cancellation.
4.3 Atlantis Wellness and Healing Centre has limited seating available for presentations and workshops. At the time of making your booking for presentation or workshop, your space is reserved and it may not be possible to fill this position in the event of cancellation.
4.4 In the event a cancellation is made within seven (7) days prior to your appointment, we may, in our absolute discretion, reschedule your appointment without forfeiting your Deposit, provided we are able to fill your appointment with another customer.
4.5 In the event cancellation is made within twenty-four (24) hours of your appointment, you hereby agree to pay the full cost of the service.
4.6 Any merchant fees paid at the time of your Booking are also non-refundable.
4.7 Any non-attendance shall be deemed a cancellation for the purpose of this clause.
5. Consents
5.1 It is a condition of your participation at the Atlantis Wellness and Healing Centre that any existing medical conditions (including illness or injury) must be disclosed prior attending the centre.
5.2 You acknowledge that some or all of the activities in which you are participating carry inherent risk, may be physically demanding or may lead to illness or injury.
5.3 In the event you suffer illness or injury during your involvement at an appointment, service, presentation or workshop with Atlantis Wellness and Healing Centre, you hereby consent to Atlantis Wellness and Healing Centre providing first aid treatment to you where your consent is unable to be determined.
5.4 Atlantis Wellness and Healing Centre records all presentations and workshops conducted to be used as promotion material online.
5.5 By attending a presentation or workspace, you hereby consent to Atlantis Wellness and Healing Centre electronically publishing any recording (video or audio) which may include you.
5.6 All ownership in recordings shall remain with Atlantis Wellness and Healing Centre and you agree that all recordings are the exclusive property of Atlantis Wellness and Healing Centre.
5.7 You acknowledge that Atlantis Wellness and Healing Centre is not a professional medical service and should not be used as a substituted for medical advice or medical treatment.
6. Personal Property
6.1 Atlantis Wellness and Healing Centre recommends that any Personal Property, including items of value, are not brought into the centre or are otherwise kept in a safe and secure place.
6.2 Atlantis Wellness and Healing Centre does not accept liability for any losses, damage or theft of valuables brought into the centre by you.
6.3 You acknowledge that you shall accept sole responsibility for your Personal Property and assume and liability and risk of loss and damage in the event that any Personal Property is lost, damaged or stolen at Atlantis Wellness and Healing Centre.
7. Conduct
7.1 Atlantis Wellness and Healing Centre does not accept any harassment, discrimination, abuse or violence towards any of its staff, agents, contractors or other customers in any form.
7.2 If you are found to be engaging in conduct in breach of clause 7.1 you will be asked to leave the premise.
7.3 Atlantis Wellness and Healing Centre has a strict no smoking, no alcohol and no illicit drugs/substances policy.
7.4 If you are found to be smoking or under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs whilst attending the Atlantis Wellness and Healing Centre, this will be considered a breach of these Terms and Conditions and you will be asked to leave the premise.
7.5 You must at all times follow any reasonable direction from Atlantis Wellness and Healing Centre and its agents or employees
7.6 Any Deposit or Payment made towards your appointment, service presentation or workshop will be forfeited in the event of non-compliance this with condition.
8. Releases
8.1 In making a Booking at Atlantis Wellness and Healing Centre, you acknowledge that their may be inherent risk in your participation in appointments, presentations, workshops or other services supplied by or in connection with Atlantis Wellness and Healing Centre which may include but not limited to illness, injury, losses, damage to property or death.
8.2 You hereby release, indemnify and forever discharge Atlantis Wellness and Healing Centre and its agents (including employees or contractors), successor or assigns from all claims, demands, causes of action, damages and liabilities arising in connection with your participation in any appointments, presentations, workshops, treatments or other services supplied by Atlantis Wellness and Healing Centre.
8.3 This release does not apply to any acts of gross negligence or intentional or wilful misconduct.
8.4 In the event any action is taken or commenced (including pre-litigation) against Atlantis Wellness and Healing Centre you acknowledge that you agree to bare the legal costs and losses of Atlantis Wellness and Healing Centre associated with this claim on a complete indemnity basis.
9. Severability
9.1 In the event any clause in these Terms and Conditions is found to be void, voidable or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, then the said clause shall be severed and the others remain in full effect.